one month ago we have make update from 2.60 to 3.70, before we make the update we have Posted Inventory Cost to G/L , the Report was Run Successfuly without Errors.
Now in 3.70 we have trouble with running the Report for Posting Inventory Cost to G/L, it says me, that a Posting Group does not exists for an Item.
Bute we don't understand this, because, in 2.60 this Posting Group was deleted years ago, and processing the report we had never problems.
And the other thing is: when now the reports run, looks in Orders of the last years, when the Posting Inventory cost to G/L from last year was already done ? #-o and one from this orders have an Sales line with where the posting group code ist them where makes the error, in Item table all the Items have since one year all the same Booking Group.
Difficulty to explain this in english because are some specified words.
I Understand right that when posting inventory costs to G/L at 31.12.04 then when runs again it must posts from 1.1.05 to today ?
I get Error:
The Inventory Posting Setup does not Exists.
Identification fields and Values are:
Locatione Code='LCODE', Invt. Posting Group Code='CODEA'
What must i do to Ommit this ?
Exists any way without make entrys in Posting Setup?
Or Perhaps i must make entrys in Posting setup and can delete them after run the Posting Inventory Cost to G/L ?
In Inventory Posting Setup whe have for each Location Code the Same Invt. Posting Group Code.
Now when i would transfer Posting Inventory to G/L i have problem that for each Location Code some Invt. Posting Group is missing because it not exists (was deleted in previous version 2.60) .
What happens when i now do follow thing:
- I Create Some Invt. Posting Groups Code that are missing.
- Then I Delete the Actual Invt. Posting Groups Code
- Then I Rename one of the new Invt. Posting Groups Code to the same name wich our actual Invt. Posting Groups Code
- Then I run Report Posting Inventory Cost to G/L and Filter the Invt. Posting Groups Code
- When i finished Posting Inventory Cost to G/L i make new entry with our actual Invt. Posting Groups Code
And then all the entry must have the Actual Invt. Posting Groups Code
It's Right what i mean?
The Process perhaps is very slow/long, but after this i think i must not do it other way, because our Items actually have all the same Invt. Posting Group Code .
Hmm. I think i will get now and test it
Usually posting inventory costs is done once a month after all the purchases have been invoiced for the previous month and after the Adjust Cost - Item Entries has been run.
Set the filter to the last day of the previous month (..31.03.05) and always keep it open to the past periods because there can always be some delayed posting into older periods. You will miss these postings if you use hard filters like (01.01.05..31.03.05).
We have Invoiced this year Orders from Last Year, so i think that the Missing Invt. Posting Groups came from this Orders.
Before we did make Update on 31.12.04 we have run the Adjust Cost - Item Entries and Posting Inventory Cost to G/L, but After this we didn't it again because Physical Inventory don't was booked.
Now Inventory was booked and we will now accomplish monthly the Posting Inventory Cost to G/L.
>> (..31.03.05)
So i make it