upgrade from 2.60 FRENCH to 3.70 FRENCH : MULTILANGUAGE

kamel.hedikamel.hedi Member Posts: 61
edited 2005-02-04 in Navision Financials
I have to upgrade a client Financial databse 2.60 to MBS Navision 3.70, the 2.60_application language is French(France) FRA and the 3.70 is French also.

should i have an MBS 3.70 (English Version) to upgrade to multilanguage (for translating the database)?
and the most important question is : Does it necessary to upgrade to multilanguage in my upgrade routine 2.60 FR to 3.70 FR ?[/b][/u]


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    If you want to have fully upgraded system you MUST upgrate to multilanguage... else you will be not able to switch language to english and you will see still franch labels and messages...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • kamel.hedikamel.hedi Member Posts: 61
    If i don't upgrade the multi-language, what happens to the application, to the database ?

    I have read that problems of multilanguage APPEARS ONLY when i want to switch language : If that's it, does exist cases in which i need to switch the language ?

    I can write my code in French, the name properties and global variables in French too and i can use ONLY Frech language : is this a solution ?
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Ah, now I see, that there is some missunderstand. Multilanguage in Navision mean, that you can switch language and all labels andmessages and buttons will be in the language you selec (same for report etc). Another thing is language in which you write the C/AL code. It is possible to write it in local language (variables, constants) BUT IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Base thing in programing Navision is to keep code clear - it means in english. If you are customer (not NSC) you risk, that your NSC will not support this code. If you are NSC, it means, that you have programing licence - you have some tests and certifications. It means too that there are some rules for programming (all fields have english name and caption, etc.). If you don't use this rules, there is problem when you want upgrade. Problems are in new service packs etc.... it is more problems than write it in the correct way...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • kamel.hedikamel.hedi Member Posts: 61
    i m a customer & i should consult my NSC.
    thanks kine
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