
Consuming page web services from reporting services report

matthewtaingmatthewtaing Member Posts: 52
edited 2011-11-08 in NAV Three Tier
Hi guys,

Just wondering whether if it's possible to create a report in SQL reporting services that is based on a page webservice ReadMultiple function. So far from my research it seems possible but somehow i can't seem to get the right syntax to work. I have tried creating a datasource with xml type and connection string "http://dev01:7047/dynamicsnav/ws/Companyname/Page/test" where "test" is a customer list page and on the query builder i have the following code to invoke the readmultiple function :-
<Method Name="ReadMultiple" Namespace="urn:microsoft-dynamics-schemas/page/test">
<Parameter Name="bookmarkKey"></Parameter>
<Parameter Name="setSize">1000</Parameter>

When i tried to run the query it says that the soap is invalid. Any ideas if calling a page webservice from SRS is possible at all?

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