Item charges and valid posting dates

TomigsTomigs Member Posts: 86

I've read several topics related to the posting date of the cost adjustments but I don't see how it works in some cases.

- Posted purchase receipt with date 19/09/11. ok.
- Transfer receipt from location A to intermediate location B with date 04/11/11. ok.
- I want to post a purchase invoice with date of 31/10/11. This invoice consists in several item charges to the purchase receip metioned above.

- General Ledger Setup allowed dates: 01/10/11..30/10/11
- User setup allow posting: 01/10/11..30/10/11
- Automatic cost posting = Yes.
- Automatic cost adjustment = always.
(Nav 501. Using Item Tracking)

Result= error: "Posting Date is not within your range of allowed posting dates..."
The error is because it's trying to post adjustment entries for the transfer receipt with the date of 04/11/11.

Why this entries on 04/11/11 if I am only applying the item charges to the orginal receipt (19/09/11)??

Just changing the user setup allowed dates to 01/10/11..31/11/11, it posts, but it does make value and GL entries on 04/11/11, that it is not allowed by G/L setup (01/10/11..31/10/11). Why?
I would expected it to make the entries on 01/10/11 that is a valid date on G/L Setup or if not, not allowing me to post.

This is an extract from help of the Adjust Cost - Item Entries Batch Job:
The program uses the posting date of the original value entry in the adjustment entry, unless that date is in a closed inventory period. In that case, the program uses the starting date of the next open inventory period. If inventory periods are not used, the date in the Allow Posting From field of the General Ledger Setup window will define when the adjustment entry is posted.

Thanks a lot.


  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    The item charges posted on purchase receipt will load the cost to the transfer receipt entry so that the accurate consumption/COGS can be calculated on it.
    CA Sandeep Singla
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