Want to Print the Invoices Details on Posted Voucher

Stivan_dsouza21Stivan_dsouza21 Member Posts: 218
Want to Print the Invoices Details on Posted Voucher

when I make the Bank Payment Voucher I apply the invoices to that payment that invoices details i want to print it on posted voucher.
Thanks & Regards,
Stivan D'souza


  • Stivan_dsouza21Stivan_dsouza21 Member Posts: 218
    Can someone help me out how to link g/l entry and vendor ledger entry in above case:
    DataItem Name
    G/L Entry <G/L Entry>
    Posted Narration LineNarration
    Integer <Integer>
    Posted Narration PostedNarration1
    Posted Narration Posted Narration2
    G/L Entry G/L Entry 1
    Vendor Ledger Entry <Vendor Ledger Entry>
    Thanks & Regards,
    Stivan D'souza
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Can someone help me out how to link g/l entry and vendor ledger entry in above case:
    Did you check Document No in both G/L entry and Vendor ledger Entry?
  • Stivan_dsouza21Stivan_dsouza21 Member Posts: 218
    i Checked but the vocuher which is posted is bank payment voucher and against that bank payment i had applied invoice i want to print that invoice detail in an bank payment voucher.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Stivan D'souza
  • Stivan_dsouza21Stivan_dsouza21 Member Posts: 218
    Vendor Ledger Entry - OnPreDataItem()
    "Vendor Ledger Entry".SETFILTER("Vendor Ledger Entry"."Document Type",'Invoice');

    Vendor Ledger Entry - OnAfterGetRecord()
    "Vendor Ledger Entry".RESET;
    "Vendor Ledger Entry".SETRANGE("Vendor Ledger Entry"."Document No.","G/L Entry"."Document No.");
    "Vendor Ledger Entry".SETRANGE("Vendor Ledger Entry"."Posting Date","G/L Entry"."Posting Date");
    IF "Vendor Ledger Entry".FINDFIRST THEN
    //BPvleEntryNo := "Vendor Ledger Entry"."Entry No.";

    recVendorLedgerEntry.SETFILTER("Closed by Entry No.",'%1',"Vendor Ledger Entry"."Entry No.");
    IF recVendorLedgerEntry.FINDFIRST THEN
    "DocNo." := "DocNo." + recVendorLedgerEntry."Document No.";
    "InvoiceNo." := "InvoiceNo." + recVendorLedgerEntry."External Document No.";
    Date := recVendorLedgerEntry."Document Date";
    Amount := Amount + recVendorLedgerEntry."Original Amount";

    Can somebody please verify the code and tell me if there is multiple lines then why only one line is getting printed.....
    Thanks & Regards,
    Stivan D'souza
  • Stivan_dsouza21Stivan_dsouza21 Member Posts: 218
    Can somebody please verify the code and tell me if there is multiple lines then why only one line is getting printed.....
    Thanks & Regards,
    Stivan D'souza
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Can somebody please verify the code and tell me if there is multiple lines then why only one line is getting printed.....

    will you pay us for verifying this code?

    I dont know Why do we need G/L Entry 1 :-k when we can directly indent Vendor Ledger Entry under main G/L Entry
  • Stivan_dsouza21Stivan_dsouza21 Member Posts: 218
    mohana when u go in design section....
    u can see g/ entry groupfooter i want to print details below g/l entry groupfooter that is why i m not indenting below g/l entry dataitem......

    can u suggest????....
    Thanks & Regards,
    Stivan D'souza
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