Val Entry is Neg. Adjustment but Purchase Invoice?

mariusswmariussw Member Posts: 52
Can anyone perhaps think of a scenario where a Value Entry could have:

Document Type=Purchase Invoice
Item Ledger Entry Type=Negative Adjmt. ?



  • mariusswmariussw Member Posts: 52
    The reason why I ask, is because of filters used in Report 1095 "Update Job Item Cost" DataItem for Item Ledger Entry.
    ValueEntry.SETCURRENTKEY("Job No.","Job Task No.","Document No.");
    ValueEntry.SETRANGE("Job No.","Job Ledger Entry"."Job No.");
    ValueEntry.SETRANGE("Job Task No.","Job Ledger Entry"."Job Task No.");
    ValueEntry.SETRANGE("Job Ledger Entry No.","Job Ledger Entry"."Entry No.");
    ValueEntry.SETRANGE("Item Ledger Entry No.","Item Ledger Entry"."Entry No.");
    ValueEntry.SETRANGE("Item Ledger Entry Type",ValueEntry."Item Ledger Entry Type"::"Negative Adjmt.");
    ValueEntry.SETRANGE("Document Type",ValueEntry."Document Type"::"Purchase Invoice");

    It appears to be rather contradictory.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,110
    You can create a purchase order with negative entries in it. As long as the total of the order (or invoice) is 0 or more, you are able to post it.
    An example could be:
    I am buying bottles of beer in glass. I pay an extra for the glass. And when I give it back, they give back that money.

    So I buy new bottles, but I give back empty bottles, so the empty bottles will be a negative entry.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • mariusswmariussw Member Posts: 52
    Not quite, I did think of that possibility as well.

    Your suggestion create a value entry still with "Item Ledger Entry Type"=Purchase.

    While the challenge is Value Entry with "Item Ledger Entry Type"=Negative Adjmt and "Document Type"=Purchase Invoice.
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