just few of our sales represantitives are getting the following error message that does not make any sense.
"You may not eneter number manually. If you want to enter numbers manually, please activate manual Nos..."
Do you have any idea what would cause this error, or if Navision has this on file for this situation? This is the error that you normally get if the No. Series is set to "Default" only, and you try to manually enter a number in the No. field.
Do you want to allow them to enter their own numbers?
Is the Manunal Nos - Unchecked?
Do they F3 to get a new number or are they using the next arrow?
Sounds more like a user training problem than a system problem.
Recompile the form to eliminate any old filters that might have been set.
just switched off without the programs being properly closed)
Close the client, delete the user zup file and start the client again. ( the user
preferences will be lost and have to be set up again)