Different behaviour of Shell-Command 370 vs. 400

toennetoenne Member Posts: 38
hi all,

up to version 3.70 it was possible to raise a command by give it in one string to the shell command as in

shell('notepad.exe c:\test.txt');

in 4.00 you need to split the called program and the given parameters in two arguments like


otherwise you get the message that there are unexpected charaters on the command line.

so far, so good, the way i did it in 3.70 was never documented.....

my open question is:
why must i add the fully path to the exe-file, allthough they in the known path, like


for not getting the message 'File not found". Do I have to / Can i set the path explicitly ?

thx a lot

(now back in seriousness)
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