Net & Gross Sales Report using NAV Sales Analysis Reports

avicioso20avicioso20 Member Posts: 7
Hi everyone....

I have a customer that needs an sales report that reflects net & gross sales in units.

I want to solve this using the Sales Analysis Reports in NAV.

This customer has an offer matrix. In example for each 10 sold units they give to their customers 2 free units.
In the sales invoice and of course the item ledger entry table those free units has sales price = to zero.

The only field on the item ledger entry that i can use to divide free units of all units is Sales Amunt(Actual) because in the free units lines this field is equal to zero.

So my question is how can I or if its posible to use this field to filter the info that i need trough an sales analysis report.

Thanks in advance,

Alfredo Vicioso


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