Another user has changed the definition...

vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,139
On running a lengthy statistics report (several hours) I get the following error after some while.
Another user has changed the definition of the Customer table after the activity was started.

Start your activity again.
The Report has a Dataitem on Customer, but does not write to that table, nor to any other table, except a custom temporary table.
The customer table has, in fact not been changed.

Has anybody experienced this and has a cure fur me or an idea what to look for?

NAV 2009 R2 / SQL 2008 R2 64-bit


  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    yes I've experienced this.
    This ought to be because a developer/super/somebody with rights has changed the customer table (modified code or definitions) while you were running the report.
    Best to export the customer table to txt before running the report, run the report, get the error, export the table again, compare, notice the difference.

    If this is not the case, then no I've not experienced this.
    If you are a customer, contact your partner and ask them why they updated the system without notification, if you are a partner, tell your collegue who is responsible why he didn't notify you. I
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  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,139
    Sog wrote:
    yes I've experienced this.
    This ought to be because a developer/super/somebody with rights has changed the customer table (modified code or definitions) while you were running the report.
    Best to export the customer table to txt before running the report, run the report, get the error, export the table again, compare, notice the difference.
    As I said,
    vapro wrote:
    The customer table has, in fact not been changed.
    Text exports are identical. No .NET code is generated (the corresponding option is not active). I cannot tell for sure that noone compliled the object, though that is very unlikely.

    It happened to me more than once, and I heard from other users of this database having seen this error, though I was unable to verify the circumstances of those events.
  • einsTeIn.NETeinsTeIn.NET Member Posts: 1,050
    Have you tried to update to the newest Build No. of your current version? I had that message also some years ago and couldn't figure out where it was coming from. After an update to the newest Build No. it disappeared.
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