Nav 3.10
On the Shipping tab of a Sales Order. Where it says Ship-to Code there's a box and an arrow. If you click that arrow it will open the shipping addresses (if that customer has any).
Maybe there's a way to make that arrow only show up if there are shipping addresses?
Some customers have the same billing and shipping address. Every order we open that arrow up to see if there are any additional shipping addresses. If there are none, not having that arrow would save a few clicks of not having to check.
you could achieve a similar thing on dynamically enabling the control. I would do this on OnAfterGetRecord, maybe OnAfterGetCurrrecord also. The visible, enabled and editable properties can be changed dynamically, the lookup property not.
with best regards
Sales Header Table (Table 36)
add a new field.
50090 - Ship-To Exists -> Type Boolean
View Properties
CalcFormula->Exist("Ship-to Address" WHERE (Customer No.=FIELD(Sell-to Customer No.)))
Sales Order Header Form -> Tools -> Designer
View->Field Menu
Find the New field "Ship-To Exists" drop on the tab of your choice.
Now when you enter the sell-to customer number of a new order this box will quickly tell you if they have any addresses listed in the "Ship-to address" table.