I am new to Navision and our new checks have a verification mark where the check amount prints. I can find where we are on check report 1401 and I have seen posts that say it can be modified to raise the number up a line to avoid the mark but I can not find where I can access the report to make alignment changes. I have not found access to the object designer, that may be the answer. Can someone provide a step by step to access this function, create a copy, and modify the alignment.
Thank you!
Click Reports.
Find your check report.
Click Design.
Click View --> Sections.
Go from there.
You may or may not be able to do this based on your license. I personally would recommend getting your NAV partner involved to give you proper training on this sort of thing. I mean, do you really want to potentially mess up your checks?
Click Tools --> Object Designer.
Click Reports.
Find your check report.
Click Design.
File->Save As -> ID:50099 Name: Check Backup
Click View --> Sections.
Go from there.
Just in case you screw something up