E-Mail logging in NAV3.7

vanlesgvanlesg Member Posts: 3
In Relationship Management Setup of NAV3.70 we setup a E-Mail Logging User ID.
Whenever this user is connected to NAV3.70 the mails in a specified outlook mail folder will be logged as interaction logs in NAV3.70.
This is working as aspected.
The problem is that if this user is not connected to NAV3.70 (holidays, sick, not in the office, ...) the mails will not be logged.

Is it possible to setup a 'generic' user to log the mails ?
Or can the code be altered to make sure that the mails are always logged independent if the user is connected or not.



  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    yes, it is called a NAS (Navision Application Server) and the email logging ought to have been setup with it.
    A NAS opens a session with NAV and acts as a generic user.
    It's best to contact your partner for this.
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  • vanlesgvanlesg Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for your reply.
    We'll look into it.
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