Dear Mibuso,
I have the following problem:
- 1 table (Type [option], Code[20]) holds information I imported in the form of 2 fields.
Example data:
- The second table is the mapping table where a user can say "My season X should be mapped to Season A of my import"
- The second table also has a field called "Invalid", which is a boolean. This is currently a flowfield with the following formula :
"-Exist("CLX Imported Data" WHERE (Type=FIELD(Type),Code=FIELD(CLX Code)))"
So when a value that is currently mapped, is removed from the import table, this will show the record to be invalid.
This works fine, but now my problem: The mapping table can also map Locations, something which is never imported. Users simply input their value instead of selecting from a listform of available options.
If the type of the mapping record is of type "Location", the record can never be invalid. But ofcourse now the flowfield will search for an imported record of type Location and come up empty, thus showing it to be invalid.
Please help
Thank you.
Also: with every import of new data, all the old records get removed and new records are inserted thus making the use of the OnDelete trigger less than efficient.
Oh well...