You'll need to use control Text Box with it's property MultiLine set to Yes. The you should write "Value 1...aa\Value\Value". I think this should do the trick.
IF CONFIRM('This is what you entered;\\' +
' Machine No. %1\\' +
' No. of Shots %2\\' +
' Start Time %3\' +
' Stop Time %4\\' +
'%5\\' +
'If this is correct - Click Yes.\' +
'To correct an entry - Click No.\',FALSE,"Machine No.",
"No. Of Shots","Starting Time","Ending Time",LineChange) THEN BEGIN
The key to multilines is the \ inside the line ending single quote and the + plus sign
multiple \ will create spaces between the lines
message('mymessage.\' +
' more of my message\' +
' final part %1.', myvariable);
The problem is that I need to Print the summary In a Message non in a Textbox.
The key to multilines is the \ inside the line ending single quote and the + plus sign
multiple \ will create spaces between the lines
message('mymessage.\' +
' more of my message\' +
' final part %1.', myvariable);
hope this helps