hello Friends,
i need help of technical person
what i want to know is
i have 2 option field in a table
values of option field 1 is = 1,2
values of option field 2 is = a,b,c,d,e,f
in a form if option field1 is 1 then values shows is option field 2 is only a,b,c,d
and if option field1 is 2 then values shows in option field 2 is e,f
i want this things in form
plz help me
and if type is existing customer then option shown in a field is mail,verbal,phonecall
One way is to make field2 look into a seperate table. Then build the filter into the tablerelation.
Have a look at "Variant Code" in Item translation, and "No." field in Sales Line for inspiration.
I'd suggest you use 2 seperate fields: one of user type(end user, new user) and preferred contact method (mail, verbal, phonecall)
Don't make it hard on yourself
Now to the technical side [-X : You can list valid values in the properties of the control. Create two controls, each with the set of allowed values. Then dependig on option 1 show one or the other control to the user.
Why are you asking technical people to solve a business problem. Please read the good advise given to you above. Then go back to the person that designed this, tell them it is wrong and tell them to go back and redesign it. You don't just write bad code to fix a bad design.