i have developer license and i can modify NAV object in Demo database.
but when i create new data and new company i don't have to modify or add new objects Please advise
No senior in my office.NAV is new to Cambodia .I start to read and ask on forum by hoping that I will be able to implement in Cambodia . Alway appreciate your help.
emhh... are you sure you are using developer license? As I said in my first post, to import the license, it is uploaded for the session, if you restart your client, then you need to Import it again. If you really have developer license and import it, then you should be able to design the Item table for example (Table ID 27). Can you do that?
Please adivse
Check License Permissions table to know the rights per object..
Did you check this?
We have a table called License permission..
Create new form with Table License permission and Tabular type wizard form and check whether your license has permissions to modify/add objects
Its a Virtual Table my dear friend. ](*,)
We cannot see it in Object designer..
You need to create a form as per above steps to see the data.
Press F7 on Object type and click Drop Down option to see what you can filter..
If you want to check whether your license has insert/modify/delete permissions to table XXX then
Select table in Object type and xxx in Object number.
Don't have have any senior resource in your office?
=D> \:D/