Hi All,
I have a few questions I hope you can help with:
1) Besiden going to 'Help - About Microsoft Dynanics NAV', is there any other way to see what country version a database is - is this info fx. listed in a table I can access from a report or via. SQL?
2) Is there any difference on the client files/clients in the different country versions or are they exactly alike? (is it in other words only the database and language that differ)
3) When you upgrade from ex. NAV version W1 4 SP1 (4.0 SP1) to the newest NAV - is it then important that the new NAV also is a W1 version?
Thanks :-)
2. I think they are the same, and all you need (etx and stx files included) is in the localization folder (ITA for me who i am italian). But you've posted In the three tier forum, so you'll need also the files for the RoleTailored Client folder and Service Folder (IT-it subfolders for me)
3. If you have to compare the code in the 2 versions, yes; otherwise you'll get a ton of differences in every text comparer tool, because of language differences!
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
Reg. 2: Ok thanks
Reg. 3: Ok but will the upgrading tools run if the database version is on the old and new database is diffenrent?
2. you're welcome
3. technically usable, but pratically not. TRUST ME, or try to compare journal line table between W1 and [whatever localization] with winmerge. There will be differences in the application logic, in the caption of the fields, and in text constants etc etc...all things that you don't want to arise during an upgrade, isn't it?
PS: what do you mean with upgrading tools?the tool for the data upgrade (upgrade toolkit) or one of those for the code merge (mergetool/devtoolkit/winmerge/objmanager....)
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
My Blog
ApplicationVersion() : Text[80]
EXIT('W1 4.0 SP1');
Ok I will stay with the same version. I was talking about the standard upgrading tools on the CD for data upgrade :-)
and yes, it's hardcoded, so you can put 'I am cool' in that message, and the nav help will pop up 'I am cool'!
"Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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