Is there any possibility of doing test post report of document (eg. Order or Invoice)? I do not need this standard report that gives me only simple data about vendor. What my client need is a proper list of generated G/L Entries with amounts. Is there some standard procedure to get this kind of result? If not, does anyone had this kind of issue during his/her work? Is it hard to code the functionality?
My idea - to change most of the objects used in posting proces to recognize the test posting and do not do any commits, insert g/l entires in temp table, use temp table on report, and generate error to rollback transaction. I believe it will be hard to acomplish and error-prone.
and Yes, the requirement has been requested.
No, there is no standard procedure, and Yes it has been developped an shared on this forum.
There was another post which I can't seem to find back.
It was someting about how to show the contents of a temporary table in the posting routine with all the g/l's.
That you might use to create a report on.
Now I just need to find out how to rollback all the chages with other tables (Vendor Ledger Entry and others)