If the amount of payment is less than the threshold limit defined in setup and you have not marked "threshold overlook" in NOD/NOC then it is possible the system has not deducted TDS.
In case there is a mistake you can simply reverse the voucher. The system will post the correcting entries.
Have you posted multi line transaction ? Std. NAV does not support multi line transaction where TDS is involved.
Now, with reference to your posted transaction, you have to follow the method as suggested by Mr. Singla.
In case there is a mistake you can simply reverse the voucher. The system will post the correcting entries.
Now, with reference to your posted transaction, you have to follow the method as suggested by Mr. Singla.
2009 SP1 FP1 solved the problem of multiline TDS voucher (I hope it did. I never advise multiline TDS voucher expect when there is no other option).