hi guys,
currently we have a vendor that we sent in po in usd, but internally all transactions/ documents/ reports in local currencies.
how can we specify in po to use usd an rest of document in local currency?
i understand that in vendor card that we can set in currency, like wise for po header and po line, but instead of manually select usd in po header or po line everytime it is created, do we have a default setting for this vendor + po document?
And your internal movements will still be in LCY.
I honestly don't see a problem. What is your problem?
hi sog,
i am sorry i dont understand navision enough yet, the purpose of the foreign tab currencies is to auto convert the documents (eg:purchase quote, purchase order) to overseas currency as setup in vendor card?
however internal documents (eg:purchase credit memo, purchase invoice) all will still be in lcy by default unless of course we had changed them in purchase header, purchase line?
hi nav_vision_user,
i understand but user doesnt want to change it explictly form purch header or purch line erverytime a document was created.
When creating a new document, setting the currency code once is sufficient. If the document currency differs from the vendor currency setting, that's also necessary. I don't see how you can save a mouseclick here.
With best regards
nice to hear from you again, normally user gotta create dozens or more of documents per day, so they would try to make the tasks as little as possible.
the issue(i assume is) user like to present external documents (eg:purch. order) in usd as the agreed currencies between user and vendor.
Your user doesn't want to handle currencies, they just want to be able to "show" documents in another currency. so that 1 order has different values in USD depending on the day it's been printed and the exchange rate of that day.
Which is not NAV nor accounting. The user has 2 options. Either make the order in USD (which will have just 1 exchange rate). Make any other document related to that order also in USD. The local currency is also there.
When your user receives the payment (probably in USD) there will be a difference in exchange rates that can resolved with the usual settings.
If your user doesn't want this, then he will need to also make the order in LCY. Which the customer won't appreciate.