in navision 2009 sp1 when i try to post a PO with the tax area and tax group code combination i get an error G/L entry table inconsistancy. how can i sort this out. Pls help
We are the same indian localisation tax setup.using the tax area and tax groups combination i.e the customer or vendor tax area matched with the item tax group to calculate the tax on the PO. then i get the error cnt post.when i dont put the TAx group i dnt get any error can post.
Check the tax amount in purchase lines. sometimes if tax amount is being calculated with more than two decimals, then
NAV gives the inconsistency error while posting.
i get that inconsistency issue when posting foreign currency purchase orders.for local currency PO's the tax combination posts without errors.Why does that inconsistency occur only for foreign currency transactions
if not and if you can replicate the same error in cronus base database then you can contact microsoft for support..
If not search the forum with inconsistency..
pls help
Earlier version used to have this problem but nowadays it works perfectly. Try using method suggested by Rashed and track the problem.
NAV gives the inconsistency error while posting.
try recalculating the tax structure
Senior Consultan