Capacity Cost gets postes/ not posted to G/L

tro#1tro#1 Member Posts: 122

I wonder what had happened and would appreciate if you could help to find out.

Navison Version DE: 4 SP3
Technical client: 5 SP1

Inventory Setup:
Automatic Cost Posting = No
Automatic Cost Adjustment = Never

We run report
795 Adjust Cost - Item Entries
1002 Post Inventory Cost to G/L
every night in a batch.

What happened:
From March of this year on the Capacity Costs get posted to the G/L accounts.
We did some more investigation:
The Capacity Costs were posted to the G/L accounts from the beginning on (2005) up to October in 2006, they were posted for a few days in October 2011 and every time from March 2011 on. The time inbetween no Capacity Cost was posted to the G/L accounts.

We have checked different setups and master data: But none of them have been changed according to the Change Log.
T 99000754 Work Center
T 99000763 Routing Header
T 99000764 Routing Line
etc. - we have logged them in the Change Log - but no changes back in March.

Also it changes for ALL Capacity Costs at one day:
March, the 22nd no Capacity Cost get posted to the G/L
March, the 23rd ALL Capacity Cost get posted to the G/L

That makes us think that it is not a change of ALL master data but rather a change a general setup.

Does anybody have a clue? Why should the Capacity Cost would not get posted to the G/L but the next day - for exactly the same Output-Item, same BOM, etc. - the Capacity Costs would get posted?

Any hint appreciated.


  • tro#1tro#1 Member Posts: 122
    Dear all,

    does anybody have an idea?
    Any hint would be highly appreciated.
  • tro#1tro#1 Member Posts: 122
    Just if anybody was interested in what we have found out:

    I said that we had a change in October 2006:
    Before: Capacity Costs were posted
    After: Capacity Costs were NOT posted
    What I found out: We upgraded in this time from Version, 4 SP0 or SP1 to Version 4, SP2
    So we live with the explanation that the upgrade to SP2 was responsible for that first change.
    Also our Navision Partner told us that there were many changes in
    Report 1002 Post Inventory Cost to G/L in SP2 so it is very likely that the new report caused the Capaictiy Costs not get posted to the G/L any more.

    Then we had another change in March 2011:
    At this time we started to run Report 1002 Post Inventory Cost to G/L with a filter because otherwise it took such a long time to finish that report. We filtered on the Posting Date of the Value Entries or on the Entry No. of the Value Entries.
    I did several tests in our test database:
    When we run Report 1002 Post Inventory Cost without any filter:
    No Capacity Costs get posted.
    When we run Report 1002 Post Inventory Cost with a filter such as Posting Date or Entry No. of Value Entries:
    Capacity Costs get posted.
  • srusli313srusli313 Member Posts: 7
    When you generate roll-up costing, does the capacity cost gets calculated? Just to make sure that there is something to post. I'm not an expert - but maybe u need to check on the posting group setup as well.

  • tro#1tro#1 Member Posts: 122
    Yes, the Capacity Cost always has been calculated.
    Just not all the time posted to the G/L accounts.
    The setup has not changed.
    The Capacity Cost entries were the same as well.

    The only difference was that the cost one time was posted to G/L the other time not.
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