I am trying to access data from a navision Table using DSN named "Navision" but i am getting this error again and again
let me show u the code and dsn setting i am using
Code is
Set conn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set RS = server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
dsn = "DSN=Navision;"
conn.Open dsn (Error lies here)
DSN Setting
dsn = "DRIVER={C/ODBC 32 bit};"
dsn = dsn & "UID= super;"
dsn = dsn & "PWD= super;"
dsn = dsn & "sName=IP Address;"
dsn = dsn & "NType=tcp;"
dsn = dsn & "CN=CRONUS India Ltd.;"
dsn = dsn & "CSF=Yes;"
dsn = dsn & "SERVER=N;"
dsn = dsn & "RD=No;"
dsn = dsn & "ML=1033;"
'dsn = dsn & "CD=No;"
'dsn = dsn & "BE=Yes;"
'dsn = dsn & "CC=Yes;"
'dsn = dsn & "RO=No;"
'dsn = dsn & "QTYesNo=Yes;"
'dsn = dsn & "IT=a-z,A-Z,0-9,_;"
'dsn = dsn & "OPT=Text"
'PPath=C:\Navision Clients\Navision Attain 3.7\Client;
'Database=c:\Navision Clients\Database.fdb;
Please anybody tell me the soulution or where is the problem in this source code. or may be another alternative solution.As i tried alot but getting ISAM Error again and again
Error is
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft Business Solutions ApS][Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision ODBC Driver]ISAM error
/asp/bb.asp, line 5
Thanks in advance
Unfortunately, I cannot give an answer to your problem, however, I am trying to do the same thing and getting nowhere.
Did you ever get any response, or did you resolve this issue yourself.
If you have a resolution, is it possible you can pass it on to me?
this topic has already been discussed.
follow this link
search the mibuso forum for ISAM and follow the link to the following topic: 'CODBC/ADO/ISAM Errors: What I have learned so far...'
Read the reply from bfernandes carefully. This one helped me alot with these kind of errors.
Everybody on-line.
Looking good!
We run Navision 2.60G db with 3.70 executables.
I setup the system DSN "Navision" on the server from which the system will run. I configured it as necessary i.e.
we run client/server, so I
chose connection - server
entered the path to the server program (it can be a mapped drive)
specified the server name
net type (tcp)
company name
I did go into "options" and change "identifiers" to "all characters" with the intention of using the field names etc. straight out of Navision in queries etc.
Then an asp page to access Navision :
<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %>
Dim strSQL, strDSN
Dim ocon, rs
strSQL="Select * from Customer"
set ocon=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ocon.open strDSN
Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open strSQL, ocon
Response.Write "<TABLE BORDER=1>"
Response.Write "<TR>"
Response.Write "<TH>" & "Account No." & "</TH>"
Response.Write "<TH>" & "Customer Name" & "</TH>"
Response.Write "<TH>" & "Address" & "</TH>"
Response.Write "<TH>" & "Area" & "</TH>"
Response.Write "<TH>" & "Town / City" & "</TH>"
Response.Write "</TR><BR>"
Do while not rs.eof
Response.Write "<TR>"
Response.Write "<TD>"
Response.Write rs("No.")
Response.Write "</TD>"
Response.Write "<TD>"
Response.Write rs("Name")
Response.Write "</TD>"
Response.Write "<TD>"
Response.Write rs("Address")
Response.Write "</TD>"
Response.Write "<TD>"
Response.Write rs("Address 2")
Response.Write "</TD>"
Response.Write "<TD>"
Response.Write rs("City")
Response.Write "</TD>"
Response.Write "</TR>"
Response.Write "</TABLE>"
set rs=nothing
set ocon=nothing
There are much sweeter ways of getting your headings and specific datafields, but this is simple and a place to start.
I have tried more specific queries i.e.
strSQL="SELECT No.,Name,Address,Address 2,City FROM Customer WHERE Department Code='Retail'"
to which I get the following error message :
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft Business Solutions ApS][Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision ODBC Driver]Expected lexical element not found: FROM
So if you get this working, perhaps you can tell me what the error is.
I hope this helps you.
Have you tried to put " " or [ ] around the Address 2 field?
Everybody on-line.
Looking good!
Yes. I've tried putting [ ] around all non-keywords too (except) the crtieria) i.e.
strSQL="SELECT [No.],[Name],[Address],[Address 2],[City] FROM [Customer] WHERE [Department Code]='Retail'"
in the hope that keywords would be distinguished from fieldnames etc.
This version :
strSQL="SELECT [No.],[Name],[Address],[Address 2],[City] FROM [Customer] WHERE [Department Code]="Retail""
gave me an "expected end of statement" error, which made a change.
Otherwise, I am pretty stuck. ](*,)
The "" around Retail, shouldn't it be ' ' instead of " "?
So becoming:
Have you tried to use MS Query to build the SQL Statement?
Try to get the required data in an Excel sheet using MS Query.
Always a good way of checking for syntax error's.
Everybody on-line.
Looking good!