BOM Error

wesleyswesleys Member Posts: 30
I've been unable to find a reference to this error anywhere on the forums so I must be the only person to uses dimensions on item records and also does a little BOMing.

The actual error I get while trying to post a BOM for certain SKUs states:
The Item Journal Batch does not exist.
Identification fields and values:
Journal Template Name='',Name='REECEF'
Journal Template Name: '', Name: REECEF

The Batch "REECEF" does in fact exist for the "BOM" template, but while posting, the template name does not manage to make it to the TempJrnlLine for whatever reason. I actually don't think it is copied to the TempJrnLine ever for any BOM. I can work around this error by removing the dimension values for the item being created as well as removing the dimension values for all of the items that make up the final SKU.

Anyone else ever experience this problem? Is there a default setting somewhere that I'm missing?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • Joe_MathisJoe_Mathis Member Posts: 173

    I had a similar error while I was trying to use a production BOM in manufacturing. It turned out that there was an empty line at the end of the BOM. I deleted it and the problem went away.

    Hopefully it's that easy.

  • AngeleAngele Member Posts: 8
    I had the same problem.

    Unfortunately, in 3.7 (and I think in 4.0 as well) you cannot produce the BOM if any of its components have dimensions. :cry: This of course is a problem if your setup is such that the dimension in question has "Code Mandatory" value posting for the Item table (27).
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