Problem with Requisition worksheet

amiami Member Posts: 11
Hi Guys,
I have some quirks with the requisition worksheet.

I have items set with Reording Policy = Fixed Reorder Qty and on the right hand side (planning tab) I only have a value in ‘Reorder Cycle’ (1m)

The thing is, it is creating a new line per sales order date. I have the reorder cycle set as ‘1M’ which should group all together within the same month. It has grouped (on one testing items) the REQ WS line by the date expected to go out to the customer. E.g. I have 5 shortfall for an item based on stock levels, and it is suggesting 3 x 1 Qty and 1 line with 2 on it as 2 of the items’ sales orders were taken on the same date.

This is strange.
Any ideas?



  • kahalakahala Member Posts: 40
    I have a similar problem/challenge. Anybody who knows how to get the requisition worksheet to create one line instead of multiple pr. item? We've been playing around with the starting and ending date in the Calculate Plan and also the Reorder Cycle on the Stockkeeping Unit.
    Also tried to see if there was some kind of general setup for this but doesn't seem like it.
    Any ideas...?
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