NAV 2009 R2 RTC - performance issue

naholosnaholos Member Posts: 6
edited 2013-02-19 in NAV Three Tier
I have two separate Nav 2009 R2 databases on a server, with both setup in their own RTC Service. They both open fast and load lists quickly but one takes minutes to open up the first card. Once a card page has loaded, all other requests seem just as fast until I close the RTC and open it again. The other service is always fast.

The box is not straining under any load. I have pointed the slow service at the quick service's DB to see if it may be the service configuration that is incorrect, and it becomes just as fast as the quick one when pointed toward the same source.

Is there anything else I can look at to try and determine why one opens quickly and the other is slow?

Not sure that DB Size should be relevant to this load issue, but the slow service is pointed at a very large DB ( 25+ Gig ).


  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    Why wouldn't size be relevant. In this case it looks like a caching issue, and that would definitely be affected by db size.
    David Singleton
  • naholosnaholos Member Posts: 6
    It doesn't seem to be related to the data in the DB. Once a card has loaded, all cards are quick to load data. For example, open a vendor and wait the several minutes. Open another vendor instant access. Next, open an item card and you get instant access. Now reverse the order in which you open the forms. Item card, wait several minutes, and suddenly instant access for that data and any other data you want.

    Unless the process is retrieving and caching all data in the DB, and I can't imagine it is, I am not sure it is an issue. You can substitute any other data for your second and first request and see the exact same response. There doesn't seem to be a tie between the data you ask for first and then second.

    It is like the initial request for a card page is building all the client code to be run by the RTC. From reading around on message boards, I have seen reference to this happening, but why in this case would it take so much longer to build that code?
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    I didn't get from your post if it is for all RTC sessions or just for the first to connect.

    If it is only for the first RTC session to connect, it sounds like you have the DB property "autoclose"=Yes in SQL server. So on first request, SQL has to open the DB and then you can work. After the last session logged of, SQL closes the DB.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • naholosnaholos Member Posts: 6
    It is for every session. The autoclose option is set to false.

    The RTC Client itself opens the initial lists super fast. It is only when opening a detail card that the user has to wait several minutes. Once they have waited this time once though, they no longer have to wait for any other requests for data they make until they close the client and open it again.
  • damirdamir Member Posts: 28

    have you managed to solve this problem? I am having the same problem now.

    This happens in the very small database. First opening of any card page is very slow (several minutes). Lists and Journals work OK. After the first page opens any other page opens normally until I close the client application.

    This happens on all client computers. If I use RTC client on the server everything works how it should be.

  • naholosnaholos Member Posts: 6
    No solution as of yet, but it sounds like you have one different behavior than I have seen. The fact that it is fast on the server is an interesting twist. So far, our client has seen it slow everywhere. Not sure what it might mean that one of your clients is fast and all the others are slow initially.
  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    damir wrote:

    This happens on all client computers. If I use RTC client on the server everything works how it should be.

    That would be a symptom of network issues.
    David Singleton
  • mihail_kolevmihail_kolev Member Posts: 379
    what about flowfields... Did you try to remove flowfields from the card to see if it will run faster?
    -Mihail- [MCTS]
  • NightriderNightrider Member Posts: 10
    I don't think flowfields are an issue here otherwise the problem wouldn't specifically be an RTC Issue.
    We also have this same issue with a customer. The problem is specifically RTC. Everything runs fine in Classic. It's just RTC that Lags.
    Vincent Connell
  • davmac1davmac1 Member Posts: 1,283
    If the classic client is fast and the RTC client is extremely slow on the same database, then you should look at your service tier setup and do some network troubleshooting and look at the performance on the computer where your service tier is running.
  • NightriderNightrider Member Posts: 10

    I have not yet found a solid solution for this but here's a really interesting point of view: ... 9-rtc.aspx
    Vincent Connell
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