I could give you some from my memory, but the rule in general is that the country extension is based on ISO 2 character coding of the country name (but there are some deviations):
NAVAT - Austria
NAVAU - Australia
NAVBE - Belgium
NAVCH - Switzerland
NAVCZ - Czech Republic
NAVDACH - DACH region (i.e AT, CH and DE)
NAVDE - Germany
NAVDK - Denmark
NAVEE - Eastern Europe
NAVES - Spain
NAVFI - Finland
NAVFR - France
NAVGB - United Kingdom
NAVGR - Greece
NAVIN - India
NAVIT - Italy
NAVNA - United States & Canada
NAVNL - Netherlands
NAVNO - Norway
NAVPT - Portugal
NAVSE - Sweden
NAVTR - Turkey
NAVE1 is really used for the former "East Pack" - localization used for Eastern Europe countries, over which the local versions are created. It means, that e.g. standard CU80 in Czech database have this Version List:
NAVE1 is really used for the former "East Pack" - localization used for Eastern Europe countries, over which the local versions are created. It means, that e.g. standard CU80 in Czech database have this Version List:
Thx kine in fact I started to work on a Czech DB and I was wondering if I downloaded the right objects.
Now I'm sure! Thank you so much!
It works as expected... More or Less...
There is no region or country code with a 1 in it. There is only W1.
NAV Developer
Internally at MS it does.
I could give you some from my memory, but the rule in general is that the country extension is based on ISO 2 character coding of the country name (but there are some deviations):
NAVAT - Austria
NAVAU - Australia
NAVBE - Belgium
NAVCH - Switzerland
NAVCZ - Czech Republic
NAVDACH - DACH region (i.e AT, CH and DE)
NAVDE - Germany
NAVDK - Denmark
NAVEE - Eastern Europe
NAVES - Spain
NAVFI - Finland
NAVFR - France
NAVGB - United Kingdom
NAVGR - Greece
NAVIN - India
NAVIT - Italy
NAVNA - United States & Canada
NAVNL - Netherlands
NAVNO - Norway
NAVPT - Portugal
NAVSE - Sweden
NAVTR - Turkey
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
And Thx Luc for providing a nice list.
It works as expected... More or Less...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Thx kine in fact I started to work on a Czech DB and I was wondering if I downloaded the right objects.
Now I'm sure! Thank you so much!
It works as expected... More or Less...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I'll keep in mind!
It works as expected... More or Less...
NAVSI - Slovania
NAVSK - Slovakia
NAVLT - Lithuania
NAVLV - Latvia
NAVBU - Bulgaria
NAVPL - Poland
NAVHR - Croatia
NAVHU - Hungaria
NAVNZ - New Zealand
NAVID - Indonesia
NAVIE - Ireland
NAVIS - Iceland
NAVMY - Malaysia
NAVPH - Philippines
NAVRU - Russia
NAVSG - Singapore
NAVTH - Thailand
NAVRS - Serbia and Montenegro
Actually NAVIE - Ireland is NAVGB as there is now specific Irish localization.
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
It works as expected... More or Less...