Display field on a page in columns

ArkananArkanan Member Posts: 28
edited 2011-09-15 in NAV Three Tier
Hi everyone.
Well I have 2 pages that have to display the same informations. But one of them displays this information in 2 columns whereas the other diplays them in just 1 column, a field under an other. But the groups where these field are, and the properties of the page are identic for both of those pages.
So I'd like to know how I can display my fields in 2 columns, just like it's displayed on my first page.
I hope I was clear enough^^
Thanks for help,


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from 'NAV/Navision Classic Client' forum to 'NAV Three Tier' forum]
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Sorry..its not clear for me..

    can you show your pages?
  • ArkananArkanan Member Posts: 28
    Well here is the first page where field are divide into 2 columns.

    And here is the page, with the same field, but just displayed one under the other. And I'd like that this page be dispayed as the first one.

    Is that clearer like that?:)

  • Troubles_In_ParadiseTroubles_In_Paradise Member Posts: 588
    Arkanan wrote:
    Well here is the first page where field are divide into 2 columns.

    And here is the page, with the same field, but just displayed one under the other. And I'd like that this page be dispayed as the first one.

    Is that clearer like that?:)


    Is the PageType the same for 2 pages?
    It works as expected... More or Less...
  • ArkananArkanan Member Posts: 28
    Yes, they're both Card PageTye.
  • Troubles_In_ParadiseTroubles_In_Paradise Member Posts: 588
    Arkanan wrote:
    Yes, they're both Card PageTye.
    :-k you know... in therory Navision manage Controls aligment in pages according to the Type of the page.
    I have never seen a Card Page that shows controls vertically with the exclusion of Report Previewer Page (more or less :-$ )...
    just a guess, export both pages in text format and compare them to find which property are different.
    It works as expected... More or Less...
  • jvakjvak Member Posts: 6

    I've seen this behaviour before:
    When you run a card page, it shows the fields nicely in 2 columns, but when you run the same page in MODAL mode (PAGE.RUNMODAL(x)), the fields will be shown in 1 column.
    Maybe that's your problem, that the first screenshot is run normally, and the second is run MODAL.

    I don't think there's anything you can do about this behaviour.
    Maybe you can post this with Microsoft?
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    What about the length of the fields?
    why are they so big when compared to 1st page?

    does it make any difference? :-k
  • ArkananArkanan Member Posts: 28
    the 2 pages seem to be run normally :s
    About the length of the field, that's right I don't know why the fields of the second pages are gretaer.
    I tried to change this lenght, ine the form, but it didn't change anything, the display stay the same :/
    Has anyone else other ideas T_T
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