Navision currently restricts journals being posted to a vendor that have a different currency code from the currency code in the vendor table.
We have a company where some vendors invoice on different invoices in different currencies.
We have controls that prevent users from making changes easily to vendors (separation of duties).
Is there any potential harm to modifying the journal posting code not to check the journal currency against the vendor currency, so we will end up with multiple currencies in the vendor ledger entry table for the same vendor?
The vendor ledger entries look to me like they track original amount and LCY amount.
Anyone made this change?
in the german (DACH) version there is no such restriction. We can post Customer/Vendor entries in any currency. There is a configurable limitation on which currencies can be applied (mixed currencies). Allowing application between mixed currencies creates its own problems which lead to not fully closed entries and realized gains/losses where you don't want them. The default setting is "apply only between entries of the same currency".
So... not too dangerous.
with best regards