'Re-open' closed Cust Ledg Entry by applying them again

livingdolllivingdoll Member Posts: 45
edited 2011-09-08 in NAV Three Tier
Hi there,

A customer of ours wants to be able to 're-open' a closed Customer Ledger Entry. The example below shows what he means:

1. Invoice no. INV1 is posted (100 euro). The cust. ledger entry of this invoice is now open and has a remaining amt of 100.
2. Payment no. PAY1 is posted (100 euro) and applied with INV1. INV1 is now closed and remaining amt. is 0.

Steps 3 and further are not possible with standard nav2009, but is what the customer wants:
3. Payment no. PAY2 is posted (50 euro) and applied with the closed INV1. The result must be that INV1 is reopened again with a remaining amt of -50 euro.
4. Payment no. PAT3 is posted (-50 euro) and aplplied with the reopened INV1. The result is that INV1 is closed again with a remaining amt. of 0.

Could someone point me in the right direction of how to manage steps 3 and 4? I suppose I have to create detailed cust. ledger entries manually?

Best regards,



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