which dimensions should select

hansikahansika Member Posts: 373
I have the two locations A, B.
I have the Global Dimensions 1,2 . GB 1 = Location Code GB1 Values = A ,
GB 2 = Project Code . GB2 Values = MNC , RPC

Generally I will purchase the material for the Location A with Dimensions GB1 = A , GB2 = MNC
My doubt is which dimensions Values I need to select when I transfer from Location A to B ?

Please suggest me .


  • ReinoudReinoud Member Posts: 58
    I do not quite see how you defined location and dimension; it seems that you mix these in your description.
    Location and dimension are independent attributes.

    If you have booked something on A with dimension 1 you will have to inverse book it the same way and after that book it with the dimensions on location B.
  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    The dimensions are wrong. It's a very poor choice to use location as a dimension, because it is already know by location code.
    Get rid of the dimension 1: location and use something more valuable.

    But to answer your question to your specific constraints.
    post the shipment part of the transfer with dimension value A and post the receiving part with dimension value B.
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