I want to create a subform (page) on a worksheet. The worksheet and the subform source table is the same.
The worksheet has several filters.
This subform shows (not editable) records related to the active record in the worksheet and i can solve a part of this problem by using the SubFormLink property of the pagecontrol for this listpart.
But now I need to add an extra filter on the date field (date from...Date until) to show the development of the price field in these records.
The subform must show all records within the range (the date in the active worksheet record - 5D, ..date in the active worksheet record). I use calcdate for this.
This does not fit in the Subformlink property (or can anyone tell me how to do that).
I think I need to use code to solve this problem, but on which trigger in the subform (page) do I put the Currform Update?
I created a function in the subform that sets the datefilter.
In the onaftergetrecord of the worksheet I called this function. But this did not work properly.
Does anyone have an idea?
The problem is that the worksheet source table is the same as the listpart source table.
We solved the problem by adding an axtra field to the source table: Date Filter (flowfilter field).
In the onaftergetrecord from the worksheet we set the date filter.
SETRANGE("Date Filter",Date -5,Date -1);
In the SubFormLink properties we set:
Document Type=FIELD(Document Type),Document No.=FIELD(Document No.),Line No.=FIELD(Line No.),Date=FIELD(Date Filter SubForm).
This worked.