Hi Mibuso Developers,
I want to call a Codeunit to the form using a button. I created a function call getsalesorder and i pass salesheader and salesline as the record variable parameters inside that function which is included inside the Sales Order codeunit. May I know the way of calling the codeunit to the form?
Any help will be appreciated.
and call
I just tried this earlier. But it does not got worked. So I thought It was wrong. Thats why I posted this question in the Forum. So I have to check my codeunit now. Thank You for your very kindful help.
If it is Sales header then you can send Rec as sales header and you need to get the right sales lines record and pass it..
Or you can get sales lines in Codeunit itself with help of header..
Check codeunit 80 and 90
What is the meaning of this error and How to solve it?
Any help will be appreciated.
this is a standard error of setup
you should set Gen. Bus. Posting Group in customer card of Customer you are using in sales Header..
Contact your seniors for more help..these are basic setups..