Hello all,
I'm in the process of upgrading NAV 4 objects (with NAV 2009 executable) to NAV 6 R2 objects and executable. This also includes uprading to R2 versions of Lanham E-Ship, Charge Logic, CCH (tax software).
We are also migrating from FedEx API to Web Services during this upgrade. We've configured a FedEx test Web Services account for testing purposes.
It is taking 3 minutes to post an order using Packline Scanning (//pa, //cp, //co) in the test system. Any ideas on what could be causing this?
Thanks for any help in advance. Thank you, and have a great day! Chris
//PA (Pack All)
//CP (Close Package - Since you are waiting for FedEx's system, there isn't much that can be done per se
//CO (Close Order)
when you have that time, you should try to manually post a sales order and see.
Also - keep in mind, that the first time takes much longer until the objects are in the cache
Henrik Helgesen,
President | Helgesen Consulting
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