Hi -
I am using NAV 2009R2 Classic client and i have noticed that my zup files settings are not consistent. Every time i change a form by adding or removing fields the zup file does not get updated.
Is there any settings that needs to be done. Please advise.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Every time you save a form, you lose the settings in the zup-file.
If you do it at run-time and you are using Citrix with multiple servers in loadbalancing, it is possible you get another server every time with different zup-files. To avoid that, there should be a path were all servers have access to and the shortcut to start NAV should contain ID="path\%userID%.zup".
It is also possible that all users use the same zup-file.
It is also possible that your session has no write-access where the zup file is saved.
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