hi all...
have anyone ever create VBA code in excel which is have lookup (like if we want to select customer in sales order),show data from nav table... and then insert it into nav database?
Actually yes, I believe JetReports have developped a lookup from excel, and they show values from NAV (I believe that is what u need).
Unfortunatly they don't give out their code under GPL (or any other opensource license). But you might want to check it out.
For modification trough Excel, I'd have to follow Mark and opt for webservices.
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yes... i already use webservice
i read from someones blog that taught how to create for customer list
yes it success... but i tried change for sales order
it failed
i create another webservice... named SalesOrder
and reference name SalesOrderRef
the failed portion is
public Type GetObjectType()
return typeof(SalesOrder);
public Type GetFieldsType()
return typeof(SalesOrder_Fields);
the error is
Error 2 'NAVTemplate.SalesOrderRef.SalesOrder_Service' does not implement interface member 'NAVTemplate.INAVService.GetFieldsType()'. 'NAVTemplate.SalesOrderRef.SalesOrder_Service.GetFieldsType()' cannot implement 'NAVTemplate.INAVService.GetFieldsType()' because it does not have the matching return type of 'System.Type'. D:\WebServices\NAVTemplate\NAVTemplate\Web References\SalesOrderRef\Reference.cs 30 26 NAVTemplate
It's better to use webservices instead. You can download examples from MSDN.
i never use webservices
so... if we use webservice, where we key in the transaction?
is it we create another application?
Unfortunatly they don't give out their code under GPL (or any other opensource license). But you might want to check it out.
For modification trough Excel, I'd have to follow Mark and opt for webservices.
i read from someones blog that taught how to create for customer list
yes it success... but i tried change for sales order
it failed
i create another webservice... named SalesOrder
and reference name SalesOrderRef
the failed portion is
the error is
anyone can help?