Hello everybody,
I've just installed NAV 2009 R2 RTC client on my development machine (notebook Win XP sp3 - SQL server 2005) and it works as far as I access the Demo DB.
How can I connect to different DB using RTC client.
I know that know it uses only SQL DB and Ms SQL server has been installed by the installation process.
I can access the same DB with SQL classic client but no idea on how to create a new local DB or local "server".
Any help is welcome.
(My system admin is still on holydays!! :x )
let me see if I understand correctly. You want to open two different databases with one RTC Client? One on your machine and the other one on a server? :?:
Try the following:
Create a <MyServiceName>.config File with a texteditor.
Create a shortcut for your RTC Client. Edit the properties of this shortcut to something like this ...
Also have a look at this http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd301254.aspx
With kind regards
thanks for your quick help.
The two databases should be on the same notebook where the client is.
Would your solution work?
Till now, I've been using the classic client to develop on different databases on my pc and then export fob to customers SQL servers DB.
Now I'd like to do the same with the RTC but I must be able to create and access different DB in the same way: close one and open another, etc.
It is not necessary to have two DB open simultaneously.
Thanks again.
You have 2 choices to access multiple databases: either shut down the service, modify the config file to access the different server and restart the service. (With a bit of programming here and there you can automate this)
Or have a service for each database.
I have two posts for you. (in german :? )
Here is a tool where you can easy install more service tiers on one machine.
That is necessary if you want to access both databases at the same time.
Here is another solution. But you can build this one by yourself.
In your case create two config files one for each database. Modify the batch files for your environment. That batch file stops the service, changes the config file and starts the service again.
So you can switch databases with only one installed service. Its only a bit quicker then doing this by hand.
Both things work fine. If you need more information feel free to ask.
greetings mik
With kind regards
I'll try this solution that seems exactly what I needed.
Thanks again.