Item Tracking Issue When Closing Prod. Orders

midnightmidnight Member Posts: 74
Hi all, very new to NAV2009 (just went live last week), and we are having an issue when we are changing some production orders from released to Closed. We are using serial number tracking, but not lot tracking. The message we are getting is "Qty. to handle (Base) in Tracking Specification for item number 123456, Serial Number 20110034, Lot No:, is currently 2, it must be 1." I look at the item tracking lines on the released Prod order, and sure enough it's 1. Any help would be appreciated.



  • midnightmidnight Member Posts: 74
    I had one work center set to backflush instead of manual. When we close a work order, we do an output journal, then under functions we select explode routing. We then put a check mark beside all the operations (work centers) that come up. Then we select functions, fill output, then Post. We go back in to released production orders, and change the status to closed. This is where we were having the issue. Once I found the work center that had the flushing method wrong and set it back to manual, everything was fine. Hope this might help someone.
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