Report 50000 GR Journal works when I'm in the English Language.
When I go to Greek, it doesn't work.. for my Greek fellow workers.. this is the message I get:
Το φίλτρο 'Report Ημερολόγιο Γ/Λ-Α/Λ (ΕΛΛ)' είναι άκυρο.
Καταχωρήσατε μια άκυρη παράσταση στο φίλτρο του πεδίου Ονομασία
Εκτύπωσης του πίνακα Ημερολόγιο Θεωρημένων Εκτυπώσεων.
The filters I use are the same as in the English version... and it works in English.
Any ideas?
That would help very much.
the filter Report GR Journal is invalid.
You posted and invalid action in the filter 'report name' of the table 16702 Official printed report log.
My guess is you are using SETVIEW incorrectly... Have you seen this thread: ?
IF Logtemp.FIND('+') THEN
Log."Consec. Number" := Logtemp."Consec. Number" + 1
Log."Consec. Number" := 1;
Logtemp.SETCURRENTKEY(Logtemp."Report Name",Logtemp."From Date",Logtemp."To Date",Logtemp."Journal Code");
Logtemp.SETFILTER(Logtemp."Report Name",ObjectName);
Logtemp.SETFILTER(Logtemp."Journal Code",JournalCode);
Logtemp.SETFILTER(Logtemp."Global Dimension 1 Code",GlobalDim1);
Logtemp.SETFILTER(Logtemp."Global Dimension 2 Code",GlobalDim2);
Logtemp.SETFILTER(Logtemp."Location Code",LocationCode);
What version of the two objects do you use?
With the NAVGR3.70.01 for both the Report and the codeunit works both in English and Greek, without any errors.
However, other programmers have done stuff to it..!!!
I got it to print... It had to do with the name of the report, it was too long!!! UNBELIEVABLE!
Now what doesn't work... When I print the Official Report, the Last Official Document No. is not correct (in fact, it shows 0 in Table 16702).