From experience : Always treat transfer orders as "What you put in is what you get out", otherwise you will be getting all kinds of problems with item ledgers, warehouse entries, en inconsistencies between them ( among others ). If you want to change the lot when it has arrived at the other location, use a reclassification afterwards, or use the reclassifications to do the transfer, and don't use a transfer order.
From experience : Always treat transfer orders as "What you put in is what you get out", otherwise you will be getting all kinds of problems with item ledgers, warehouse entries, en inconsistencies between them ( among others ).
What if you receive to X Lot and transfer to LOT Y through Item Reclassification Journal?
Yes Guys,I have resolved the issue with reclasification....but thing is different,
If client is maintaining thaire own LOT no in each location...they want to receive inventory in thair existing LOTs. not by Shipped LOT.
yes, but this is not the standard functionality
As MBerger Said,