Copying Item or BOM

N11284N11284 Member Posts: 8
edited 2014-03-25 in NAV Three Tier
I have been told that it is not possible to create a copy of an Item or a BOM in NAV 2009. Is this true? This seems to be a basis function used repeatedly in most ERP systems.


  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Can you explain what and where exactly you want to do?
  • N11284N11284 Member Posts: 8
    I simply want to create a copy of an existing BOM and only change the BOM number. Or create a copy of an existing Item and change perhaps one detail of that item. In each case without having to enter all of the attributes of that item.

    Lets say I have an item which is a label for a product. I need to create a second label which is identical to the first in all aspects except for 1 detail, the supplier is the same, the cost is the same , the Lot Tracking method is the same and so on. It should be possible to create a copy of item#1 , rename it as item#2 and then change only the attribute in question, without having to go through the complete process of filling in each field on the Item card with the same information as is on the frst Item card.

    is it true that NAV does not allow this?
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    Did you check Copy BOM function in Production BOM?

    For Items,
    Go to Item A Card
    Click Edit-->Select (It selects all fields)
    Press F3
    Press Paste (Ctrl+V)
    Click OK on Item A already exists (Still It will insert with A)
    Rename No. from A to B
    Now you have Item B as copy of A.
  • N11284N11284 Member Posts: 8
    Many thanks Mohana.
    I was able to do this fine with the Classic client but not with RTC , no option to Edit>Select. At least I now know how to create a copy of an item.
  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504

    Try something like function COPY BOM for copying Item also..
  • MagfoMagfo Member Posts: 11
    For BOM you have a function in RTC that allows you to copy earlier BOMs. (Action->Function)

    But there's still the issue for Items. Anyone have a solution for this? Of course you can use the classic client for this, but that feels like a bad way to solve this problem!

    The solution in the classic client isn't that obvious, so perhaps there's one for RTC that's available (but obscure)?
  • rico1931rico1931 Member Posts: 295
    This copy function still doesn't work in NAV 2013

    Scenario that works: BOM A with versions 1,2,3 <- the copy function works if you want to copy 1,2,3, into a new number or existing number

    Scenario that doesn't work: BOM B with version 1 <- want to copy BOM A version 1 into BOM B version 1 - this will only blank the lines.. nothing comes over :-( FAIL

    Anyone have an idea of how to fix this link issue?
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