Date Filter problem while using in Navigation-->Jump to URL

gdkve9gdkve9 Member Posts: 161
edited 2011-08-26 in NAV Three Tier
Dear Mibusonians,

I have got a strange problem while applying filters in Jump to URL expression of Navigation.

It works fine for the following expression:
="DynamicsNAV:////runreport?Report=50045&Filter=%22G/L Entry%22.%22Entry No.%22:0"+
"&Filter=%22Bank Account%22.%22Date Filter%22:01-04-11..05-04-11"
But when I am trying to use a variable for filtering the Date Filter in the above expression as shown below:
="DynamicsNAV:////runreport?Report=50045&Filter=%22G/L Entry%22.%22Entry No.%22:0"+
"&Filter=%22Bank Account%22.%22Date Filter%22:"+Fields!BankAccDateFilter.Value
Fields!BankAccDateFilter.Value = 01-04-11..05-04-11
It gives following error.
"The Filter String contains invalid parameters"

I would be very grateful if someone could suggest on exact reason on the above issue.

I am stuck here ](*,)

Awaiting on helpful suggestions :-k

Thanks everyone in advance...
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