Is anyone doing a web based sales order entry with Nav? We are on 2009 sp2 classic on SQL
We currently have a system which works through Sharepoint. It is a standard header and lines arrangement not a shopping cart.
Our users are complaining about entry speed.
We did not want to have the expense of buying session licenses for each user and use a VPN or citrix.
Orders are typically 10 to 20 lines but can be as big as 150 to 200 lines.
Anyone have any ideas that have been successful?
You can because you are on 2009, but you'll need to invest in pages.
Benefit of stratus is that it's completely seemlesly integrated to NAV business logic, no redesign, no implementation.
Maybe I am not understanding, but it looks like we still need to buy licenses for users(and in this case it looks like for named users.
We have 80+ people that may enter orders.
I would need to invest in creating pages and in a a license for each user that would enter orders.
What am I missing?
Thanks for the suggestion we will definitely look closer at Stratus.