Posted Invoice Nos and No. Series Relationships

shahidtshahidt Member Posts: 61
I have a No. Series code (PINV) that is related (using no. series relationship) to 3-4 other no. series codes each with their own numbering prefix and I have used the "PINV" No. Series code in "Purchase and Payables Setup ---> Numbering ---> Invoice Nos".

How should I configure the numbering field for the "Posted Invoice Nos"? Only the user will know which one of the 3-4 different prefixed no. series he choose via "Assit Edit" at the time of creating new Purchase Invoice. Below is what I want...

Assume PINV is related to 3-4 nos with prefix - CAT1-0001.., CAT2-001.., CAT3-001.., etc.
1) User uses Assit Edit, gets number CAT1-0101
2) 3-4 other users create new documents and use up numbers CAT1-0102..CAT1-0104
3) A user with document no. CAT1-0104 posts his invoice first
4) As in JV or Gen Jnl, it should get posted as CAT1-0101, i.e. document number should increment in the order of posting

Is this possible? Would appreciate an help in this regard.
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