Needs some tips with Inventory Valuation to Excel

dndn Member Posts: 71
I want to add a feature so user can export the Inventory Valuation to Excel.
I succeeded to export items to Excel if only they are just few items. The problem is when there is a lot of items to run, that need multiples page, like whole Inventory Posting Group then I gett error
"The Excel Buffer already exists ...Identification fields and value
Row No = '4',Column no= '5'"

Someone who can give some advice where I should put linecounter so it don't reset when there is pagebreak?
Now I put code to fill Excel buffer in Section in Item Header, Value Entry Footer, Item Group Footer and Item Footer.
Code for
is put in Report OnPostreport.

Someone who can give me some advice so I can move on with this report??

I used Automation programming instead...Excel Buffer seems not good enough
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