we have a little Problem with making Combine SHipments,
when we have an order it can be that not all Sales Lines are an Item.
They are times where our Sales Assistants put a little Text in a Sales Line, like i short Info text, for this Line Quantity is 0, an it's equal if Type =Item, or Type='', in Posted Shipments the Lines are Transfered, but when we make a combine shipment invoice with code, then the sales lines where Quantity was 0 are not transfered to Invoices.
When i am in invoices an would get the Shiped Lines, i only became listed Lines with Quantity.
Is there are any possibility to get Lines Like Quantity=0 ?
When we post a invoice then the lines with quantity 0 are transfered to posted invoides.
Perhaps its an Navision Bug ? :-k Thanks..
You have to modify report 295 "Combine Shipments" so that all the
lines with type '' are copied as well.
A small advice, do not create lines with type "Item" with a little text in description as a comment line.
This will cause only trouble, always be sure that type is '' when you enter a comment line.
Everybody on-line.
Looking good!
this is not a bug. The problem is the following: Navision takes just the lines that are not paid yet. So if you have a line with a comment, Navision can't know if this comment has to be printed or not. So Navision generally just take lines that have "Qty. Shipped Not Invoiced" <> 0.
Imagine you have a line that has "Qty. Shipped Not Invoiced" = 0. You don't want this line at the Combine Shipment. Next line is a comment line. This line is printed. That is not so good, is it?
Of course you can edit the report to print these lines. But that could result in unexpected Combine Shipments.
One possibility is to set the field "Attached to Line No." in the comment lines and print these lines if the attached line is printed.
Hello Tim,
now i have understand the Problem. \:D/
Problem is now explain it to our sales assistants [-o< #-o
When a customer order a lot of items, they put a info text below the Sales Line so that the Customer can see for what he needed the Items (for example different buildings lots) , when the put extended text for Items i have say them now that they can use Insert Extended Text because then it line is attached to the sales item line and it will be copy to the combined shipment invoice, or they must use STR+T...
Well i see it how they works in future 8-[
Thanks for your answers =D>
In standard it won't copy the lines to the combined shipments even if it is attached to an item line.
But to code this, isn't that difficult and it will not result in irregular outputs.