Hello everyone,
I have a translation file for localization, and in the file are translated every object, but when i import it all objects are translated but the menusuite are not. Also the menusuite are translated in file, but after succesfull import are not translated when i change the language.
Any suggestions,
Thanks in advice!
1) What is the format of this file?
2) How did you create it?
3) How do you import it?
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
Thanks for you replay,
1) File is .txt
2) It is created by some module for tranlation, this file i have geted as .txt exported from existing database.
3) I have selected first All objects <> Menusuite imported succesfully, and after that i have selected just the Menusuite and imported also succesfuly, but after i change to local language it is not working. This language file is good in another database.
FYI: The database where the translation is good and functional is in NAV 2009 SP1, and i have imported to NAV 2009 R2 that for menusuite is not functional.
How did you export that file? Using Tools > Translate > Export? If not, how did you do that? How did you import? Using Tools > Trasnlate > Import? If not, how did you do that?
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
OK, one more question
The MenuSuites your talk about are these your own and/or standard MenuSuites?
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
But in .txt file are two menu suites M80 and M90, and default in Cronus there is no menusuite with M90, default are M10 MBS and 1010 Dept- MBS.
Also i have created a menu suite with id 90 IMSB and when i import the translation it is not functioning.
Thanks for your quick replays. \:D/
You do not have permission to modify standard MenuSuites. Probably you also did get this message
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community