I customized the Purchase & Payables setup form numbering tab with customized fields..Then i have transformed the form to page to update the changes in the page. I am not able to find the customized fields on the page. Page Design has those fields with visible propert set to true.
Do anyone know the reason why is the RTC not displaying only the customized fields.
Thank You.
Thank You
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I even manually created the page using th wizard, still the same problem persissts and more over i am also using the developer license.
still any more suggestions.
Friend Ship is just like breeze.. you can't smell it, touch it,hold it.
How did you check that you are using the same database?
Did you check by directly running the page from object designer?
i have created few fields in purchase setup table(50000..500005) and added those fields as controls in a new form which is "Import purchase & payables setup". Then i have transformed the form to page an using the tool which failed when i run the page from the object designer and i created a new page manually using the wizard and failled to dispay the controls in the page.
Friend Ship is just like breeze.. you can't smell it, touch it,hold it.
After running the transformation tool it will create a pages.xml.
have you imported that file and compiled the page which you have modified?
i told that i even have created the page manually with the wizard and still the problem persists.
any other suggestions...
Friend Ship is just like breeze.. you can't smell it, touch it,hold it.
do some modifications through classic and check whether that through RTC.
If yes, check this blog
I have modified the form and transformed again and restarted the service and checked.
I have redesigned the page by adding a field in the page designer and compiled the page again and checked.
Service is configured to the database to which i am doing the page changes.
is there any other problem which i can find out..
Friend Ship is just like breeze.. you can't smell it, touch it,hold it.
Did you check the blog which i have given above?
I found the same problem in all the pages..not able to find the customized controls.
I have checked the same objects in another system. We are able to find the controls..its my system which is having this problem...
I have uploaded the the developer license in the system.
Friend Ship is just like breeze.. you can't smell it, touch it,hold it.