NAV 2009 R2 - RTC Pages & SourceTableTemporary Property not

vshalvshal Member Posts: 11
edited 2011-08-11 in NAV Three Tier
Hello Everyone,

I am having a little bit of a problem here and wanted to check if Iam doing something wrong. Here is the situation :

1. New list page displaying vendors, an "Edit" button to open the below vendor card.
2. New card page to display details of vendors, on this card page the "SourceTableTemporary" property is set to Yes.

When the user chooses a vendor from the list page (1) and clicks on the "Edit" button there is code to pass the vendor record to the Card page (2) so it can display the vendor information, once the vendor is displayed the user edits the name of the vendor and closes the Card Page.

So far so good, here is the problem : When the user closes the Card Page after making changes, the changes are committed to the Vendor Table which should not be the case as the "SourceTableTermporary" property on the card page is set to Yes.

This is happening in NAV 2009 R2 in RTC, it works well on the classic client as I have tested this. I am wondering why this is happening in the pages.

Does anyone know of this situation or how to get around it.

skype : vishalrajput
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  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    Probably, you're using the built-in "edit" button, that automatically opens the page specified in the cardformID property (which page number is specified?).
    try to make a new button named (MyEdit) and click that button. This is just for testing purposes in order to see if the problem is really the cardformid.
    P.S.: can you post the code that populates the temptable and open the temporary card page, please?
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  • vshalvshal Member Posts: 11
    Hi Belias,

    I have created a new button on the List Page called "Edit" which has the code to open the Card page, I am not using the built-in edit and there is no page specified in the "CardFormID" property of the list form.

    I will post the code later on as it is on one of the servers.

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